

See what's new

A friendlier interface :)

Oct 15, 2024


  • Bottom navigation

  • Sign up/in with Google

  • 80+ components and variants

  • A banner so that we can communicate important information such as updates and maintenance with users directly through the plugin

  • A few keyboard shortcuts (b and cmd+k)

  • Badge to show new components


  • Home page got a makeover

  • Login/signup flow


  • Component count in categories (cluttered the UI and didn't add much value)

Plugin Launch

Oct 2, 2024

Feeling really proud to have been able to work with Framer to launch Blocs as a plugin for the official release of Framer Plugins, and to be a featured plugin in their Fall Event.


  • Everything in the plugin except for the components themselves are brand new!


  • The sun has officially set on the Framer projects that we offered previously, and we will no longer be updating them or bringing out new versions. All components/features from the projects and more are currently available in the plugin.


  • We will continue to update the plugin monthly with new components as we were before

  • We're really excited about the future of the plugin, as we are able to extend the capabilities of Framer to a level we were never able to before with the framer projects. We hope you all feel the same way :)

More components

Sep 10, 2024

We added a lot of new content this update, but also made some really handy improvements


  • Timeline sections

  • Breadcrumbs component

  • Header sections

  • Hero sections

  • Pricing Sections

  • Content sections

  • Floating Navbar

  • CTA Sections

  • Figures Sections


  • Replaced Tagline text style with Medium Body text style

  • All taglines use the brand color

  • Updated section paddings to be in line with our spacing scale

  • Fixed inconsistencies in icon sizing

  • Replaced border with a grey fill on form inputs and accordions

  • Buttons in phone breakpoints now are set to fit rather than width = fill

  • Fixed all square images and videos that weren't actually 1:1 square

  • Replaced all copy

  • Videos use an actual video now rather than a poster

  • Placeholder images look cleaner

  • Breakpoint bars in canvas pages now use device icons

  • Renamed elevation to shadows

  • Updated spacing values

  • Title icon now closely matches our logo

  • All cube icons replaced to match our logo

  • Corrected all frame tags in navbars. Plus one for accessibility <3

  • Changed British English Centred to American English Centered


  • Feature card components - they're less limiting as regular frames

  • removed all '•'s from component names to make it easier to search, and easier to scan in the asset panel


Jul 29, 2024

We made lots of improvements to navigation this update. Not only to navbars, but to the navigation of the kit as well!


  • Hamburger menu

  • Component variable descriptions where necessary

  • 3 new nav dropdown components

  • Project thumbnail


  • Redesigned UI for easier navigation and clarity

  • All Twitter logos have been updated to X logos. R.I.P Twitter bird.

  • Fixed inconsistencies in nav's widths

  • Mobile breakpoint navs now animate smoothly

  • Features sections renamed to Content sections

  • Avatar groups have 10 avatars now, as well as 2 new sizes (large & huge)


  • Rounding from basics


Jul 1, 2024

This update brings full page templates called Blueprints to Blocs, along with many other new and useful features and improvements.


  • Forms subcategory

  • Radio Box

  • Profile Card

  • Team category

  • 3 Team sections

  • 4 Hero's

  • Feedback form in ◈ Start Here page


  • The Alert's dismissed variant was replaced with the 'close overlay' for a cleaner animation

  • All legacy forms have been replaced with the new Framer forms

  • Overall organisation of project

  • Figures now have own category

  • Simplified naming system to [category / number]. Should scale better as we add more components.


  • Radio buttons and checkboxes were removed due to native solutions being available since the Forms update

The very first release of Blocs. Yay